Parshas Behar-Bechukosai 1

This is it. This is the cure. It is not a new discovery. It is something that we have had at our disposal all along. Rashi explains that the words ׳׳אם בחוקתי תלכו׳׳ are referring to our responsibility to toil in Torah learning, for the purpose of performing and maintaining the mitzvos…

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Parshas Emor 1

Rashi brings down a beautiful explanation as to why the mitzvos of פאה (leaving over the stalks of grain in the corner of ones field for the needy to harvest) and לקט (leaving behind fallen stalks of grain for the poor to collect) are sandwiched between the mention of the holidays; Pesach…

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Parshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim 1

This pasuk is referring to Yom Kippur. The famous, apropos Mishnah at the end of Masechta Yoma highlights this pasuk. R’ Elazar ben Azarya elucidates the pasuk ׳׳מכל חטאתיכם לפני ד׳ תטהרו׳׳ from all of your sins before Hashem, you shall be purified”. Sins between a man and his Creator…

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Parshas Tazria-Metzora 1

The very first Rashi on this weeks Parsha brings down a Medrash in Vayikra Rabbah (14; 1). ר׳ שמלאי says that just as the creation of mankind came only after the creation of the animals and birds, במעשה בראשית , in the beginning of creation, so too, the Torah laws that relate to the creation of…

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Parshas Shemini 1

The רבינו בחיי explains that two innate powers exist within us. The כח השכל (power of wisdom) and the כח התאוה (power of temptation). He explains that the superior
קדושה (sanctity) that עם ישראל possesses over the other nations stems from the fact…

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Parshas Tzav – Shabbos HaGadol 1

This pasuk is immediately preceded by a pasuk which begins -׳׳והאש על המזבח תוקד בו לא תכבה׳׳ “The fire on the Altar shall burn on it; it shall not be extinguished.”
What is the reason for the repetition of the command that the pyre atop the Altar shall not be dimmed?

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Parshas Vayikra 1

This week we begin to read Sefer Vayikra. The Ramban in his introduction explains that this is the Sefer of קרבנות (Sacrificial Offerings) and the upkeep of the Mishkan. Sefer Shemos, which we concluded last week, was the Sefer of ׳׳הגלות והגאולה ממנו׳׳ (The Exile and our Redemption.) As Sefer Shemos ends off with the אהל מועד (Tent of the…

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