The Morris M. Horowitz Kollel

Jerusalem's Premiere Evening Learning Program

Isolated in a quite pastoral corner of Jerusalem, we utilize the
night hours to hone our skills in our quest for Torah Knowledge.

MMHK Night Seder

Our original flagship Kollel commences every night with fiery passion and is highlighted by a Weekly Shiur by the Nasi HaKollel.

The Azi Kollel

Lovingly named after Azi Koltai z”l, these special Avreichim meet twice weekly; on Friday and Motzei Shabbos, to capitalize on “down-time” and progress further towards their learning goals.

MMHK Beit Shemesh

Our latest & most ambitious endeavor to date. A select group of our very own homegrown Kollel Alumni have now moved to Beit Shemesh & we have opened a branch of the Night Seder Kollel to support them in their learning endeavors in the fastest growing city in Israel!