Parshas Vayakhel Pekudei – Hachodesh 1

No less than nineteen times in Parshas Pekudei does the pasuk state that the Meleches Hamishkan (Creation of the Tabernacle) was performed “As Hashem had commanded Moshe.” After the completion of each and every stage of the building process the Torah iterates that all…

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Parshas Ki Sisa – Parah 1

There are two questions that arise here on these Pasukim. The first of which is that we know from the Gemara in Brachos that Bezalel knew how to formulate the letters with which the Heavens and the Earth were created. If Bezalel was on such a high level of understanding, why then does the pasuk praise him only…

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Parshas Tetzaveh – Zachor 1

In the beginning of this week’s Parsha, Hashem commands Moshe Rabeinu to create the בגדי כהונה . It appears that the garments that were to be created for the Kohanim were physical articles of clothing- as the Torah goes into great detail regarding their exact specifications.

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Parshas Teruma 1

The Baal Haturim points out that all the measurements of the ארון (Holy Ark) are broken into half cubits. This teaches us that anyone who learns Torah must break himself in the quest for understanding while
carrying himself in a humble fashion.

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Parshas Mishpatim 1

This pasuk begs for interpretation as it begins in the plural form “And you (plural) shall serve Hashem” but curiously finishes off in the singular form when referring to “your (singular) bread and your water.”

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Parshas Yisro 1

The pasuk in our parsha mentions the name of the eldest son of Moshe Rabeinu; Gershom. Moshe gave his son this name as a remembrance of the time when Moshe
Rabeinu was a stranger in the land of Mitzrayim. From the language of the pasuk…

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Parshas Beshalach 1

When Hashem led the Bnei Yisrael out of Mitzrayim, why did He specifically lead them into the Wilderness on a roundabout journey ‘towards’ the Promised Land, as opposed to guiding them ‘as the crow flies’ on a direct trajectory straight through the land of the Philistines?

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Parshas Bo 1

Parshas Bo begins with a non sequitur. Hashem tells Moshe to address Pharaoh, but does not mention a word of what he is to tell him. Moshe then warns Pharaoh of the locust swarm on the horizon, however we do not find that Hashem told Moshe explicitly that מכת ארבה was to be the next plague.

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Parshas Va’era 1

Rashi explains that Hashem spoke to Moshe harshly as a rebuttal to Moshe’s questioning Hashem’s actions at the end of last weeks Parsha, ״למה הרעתה לעם הזה?״ – “Why have You caused harm to this nation?” The Sifsei Chachamim points out that Rashi understood this from the לשון הפסוק of ״אלוקים״…

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Parshas Shemos 1

Rashi on the words ״כי טוב הוא״ – “For he was good,” explains that when Moshe Rabeinu was born, the entire house was filled with light. Alternatively, The Medrash Rabbah explains that we learn from these words in our pasuk that Moshe Rabeinu was נולד מהול – born circumcised.

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