Parshas Pinchas 1

The חומת אש explains that the way of the sinner is to compare himself to someone lower than he and attempt to attain indication by claiming, “this one as well acts in a sinful fashion.” To combat this errant reasoning, Hashem gave over the עשרת הדברות (Ten Commandments) to the Bnei Yisrael…

Parshas Balak 1

Rashi explains that Hashem scolded Bilaam – רשע , wicked one, are you unaware that Avraham Avinu, the father of the Bnei Yisrael, already preceded you in this act? We all know the famous pasuk from the ׳׳וישכם אברהם בבוקר…׳׳ ,עקידה – “and Avraham hastened in the morning and he saddled his donkey”.

Parshas Chukas 1

The אור החיים הקדוש at the beginning of the Parsha asks why the mitzvah of the פרה אדומה (Red Heifer) is referred to as representing the law of the Torah as a whole. The pasuk may have expressed this mitzvah as ׳׳זאת חקת הטומאה׳׳ or ׳׳זאת חקת הטהרה׳׳ , which would refer to the purification process…