Our Learning Programs

Our Learning Programs at the Kollel are unique for two distinct reasons, our curriculum and our student body demographic. Unlike other traditional “Night Seder” or Evening Learning Programs which tend to allow free-style learning at the discretion of the students.

Our Night Kollelim follow a strict curriculum with an emphasis on clarity and practical application of the topics of study. In other words, we learn שמעתתא אליבא דהלכתה , starting with the Gemara and breaking down the sugyas until we reach a Halachic conclusion.

MMHK Yerushalayim

Our original flagship Kollel offers nightly Torah learning sessions which provide an enriching and immersive experience. Held in the heart of Yerushalayim, these sessions provide a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of Torah study, guided by knowledgeable and passionate Rabbeim. Each evening, our Avreichim gather to learn Gemara, engage in Halachic discussions, and deliver summaries on the material learned. Every week is highlighted by a fiery shiur on the topic at hand, delivered by the Nasi HaKollel, R’ Yitzchok Menachem Blau Shlit”a.

The Azi Kollel

The sounds of fervent Gemara learning resound throughout the Azi Kollel, a sanctuary of scholarship and remembrance. Here, every word studied, every page turned, is a tender tribute to Azi Koltai z”l, whose spirit seems to linger in the warm embrace of the room. The tragic loss of Azi on that fateful night in Meron, during the jubilant celebration of Lag Ba’Omer, left a void in the hearts of those who loved him. Yet, in this sacred space, his memory is a beacon of light and learning. As the pages of the Torah flutter softly, each syllable recited is a whisper of love, a tearful ode to a soul missed beyond measure, ensuring that Azi’s legacy endures, woven indelibly into the very fabric of the Torah he cherished.

Learn more:
the Azi FoundationMicro Mitzvah

MMHK Beit Shemesh

Our latest & most ambitious endeavor to date. A select group of our very own homegrown Kollel Alumni have now moved to Beit Shemesh & we have opened a branch of the Night Seder Kollel to support them in their learning endeavors in the fastest growing city in Israel!

Learning at the Morris M. Horowitz Kollel Is about The Comradery. It’s about The Struggle for Truth. It’s about The Commitment. It’s about hitting the Refresh button on your Yiddishkeit!