Parshas Va’era 1
Rashi explains that Hashem spoke to Moshe harshly as a rebuttal to Moshe’s questioning Hashem’s actions at the end of last weeks Parsha, ״למה הרעתה לעם הזה?״ – “Why have You caused harm to this nation?” The Sifsei Chachamim points out that Rashi understood this from the לשון הפסוק of ״אלוקים״…
Parshas Shemos 1
Rashi on the words ״כי טוב הוא״ – “For he was good,” explains that when Moshe Rabeinu was born, the entire house was filled with light. Alternatively, The Medrash Rabbah explains that we learn from these words in our pasuk that Moshe Rabeinu was נולד מהול – born circumcised.